Follow these 5 simple steps and become a member now.

How to Join Urban Diet Step 1

Create an Account.

Take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule and register with Urban Diet to begin a new journey towards a happy and healthy version of you. Sign-up and create your account now for amazing results!
How to Join Urban Diet Step 2

Choose your package.

The desired results must be achieved by choosing the right path. Carefully browse through our programs and packages, select the best suited for your requirements. Enrol for the package and you are ready to go!

How to Join Urban Diet Step 3

Schedule Appointment

The welcome team at urban diet will book an appointment comfortable for you to connect with our experts and begin your life changing journey with us. It is time for you to mark the date and fasten your seat belts!
book appointment with dietitian nikita
How to Join Urban Diet Step 4

Weekly Consultation.

Urban Diet believes that in order to provide the optimum support and excellent service, we must understand your goal completely and strategize the different paths through which your goals shall be realized. Weekly consultations are organized with our experts to track your goal.

consultation for weight loss
How to Join Urban Diet Step 4

Get Diet Plan on email.

After carefully planning each step, a diet plan is formalized according to your requirements. The diet plan is mailed to you and also made available on your portal for you to follow and experience a positive beginning.
contact urban diet


A goal without a plan is just a wish


Personalised. Unique. Intelligent Diet Programs for every one

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