PCOS Diet Plan For Weight Loss
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PCOS Diet Plan To Lose Weight

Whether you have been recently diagnosed or you are already struggling with PCOS for some time, we all have been told by doctors that all you need to do is lose weight to manage your PCOS symptoms.

Easier said than done, right?

People with pcos are in constant battle with their weighing scale. So if you feel frustrated and alone in your weight loss struggles then you are in the right place. This blog gives you detail insight on PCOS Diet, So read on….

Why losing weight in PCOS is so hard?

  • Metabolism is slow.
  • Insulin imbalance causes to store more fat around our stomach.
  • Our hunger hormones are in disorder so we tend to feel less satisfied after meals.

How to Lose Weight with PCOS?

  • Take proper medical guidance
  • Follow healthy pcos diet plan with sustainable lifestyle
  • Indulge in some regular physical activity

All these things need to be taken in consideration when you start your pcos diet plan.

Here are few of my tips to get started:

Choose good carbohydrates: We all know that in PCOS our cells are highly insulin resistant. The more insulin resistant we are, the glucose levels in our blood will be high , to manage this our body in return produces more insulin. So choosing high fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrates will help in releasing glucose slowly in our blood stream thus secreting less insulin. Choosing right kind of carbohydrates and having in moderate amount should be the best option.

Good Carbs to take in pcos

Eat more protein: Protein has important function in our body. It helps in building and repairing of our muscle tissue, our enzymes are made up of protein and it helps in regulation of our hormones. Proteins also keeps us full and has satiety value. For e.g. having eggs or dal based chilla will keep you full for longer period of time then having a sandwich. So roughly one should have palm size of protein at every meal. Also, Increasing your protein intake in pcos diet plan will help you to lose your weight faster.

protein intake in pcos

All fats are not equal: Fats are usually associated with weight gain but they play important role in our body’s functions:

  • Every cell in our body has outer layer which is made up of fats.
  • It aids in absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
  • It helps in formation of our sex hormones.

So including good fats like nuts and seeds, avocados, cold pressed coconut oil, mustard oil are good for weight loss in PCOS. Avoid any kind of trans-fat that our found in biscuits, chips, cakes, pastries etc.

good fats in carbs

Avoid Dairy: Researches shows that dairy has an impact on ovulation as it contains a chemical called insulin- growth factor 1 (IGF-1). It mimics insulin in our body. Higher insulin amount causes release of more testosterones by our ovaries thus causing hormonal imbalance. So excluding dairy from your PCOS Diet plan will help you to achieve hormonal balance and may reduce your PCOS symptoms.

Avoid Dairy in Pcos

Add Cinnamon: Cinnamon is shown to help in lowering blood glucose. It is important because PCOS patients are highly insulin resistant and consumption of cinnamon lower the demand of insulin in body. Having 3gm (over ½ tsp) can help you get the desired result. Cinnamon is a versatile, aromatic and flavoring condiment that can be added to both sweet and savory dishes. You can add it to your tea, tadka, to your plain water, breakfast cereals etc.

role of cinnamon in pcos

Fruits and vegetables: Try to have fruits which are rich in fiber as they will help you to control sugar craving. Have at least 1-2 serving of fruits in a day. Avoid any kind of fruit juices. Include atleast 4-5 cup of vegetables in your in the form of vegetable juice, salad and soups. Include more of starchy vegetables like green beans. Broccoli, cauliflower. Your PCOS diet plan must include tubers like Yam, Beetroot , Sweet potato, Colocasia as they help in reducing pain during your monthly cycle.

fruits and vegetables to eat in pcos

Other Things to keep in mind while following PCOS diet plan:

  1. Slow down while eating your meals and chew your food to enjoy actual flavor of your food.
  2. Drink more water. At least try to have 3 liters of water in a day.
  3. Give away junk foods like biscuit, crispies, soda, cake pastries etc.
  4. Get enough sleep. Aim to have sound sleep for 7-8 hrs each night.
  5. Exercise regularly.
  6. Meditate regularly and try to lead stress free life.

PCOS Meal Plan:

Empty stomachCinnamon water+ nuts (4 – 5 Almonds + 1-2 Walnuts)
BreakfastOmelette(2 whole eggs ) /1-2 Idli/Oats upma
Mid-morning1 fruit (Any seasonal Fruit)
Lunch1 bowl of salad, 1-2 chapatti or rice + dal + sabji
Evening snacksVegetable juice + sprouts (Small Katori )
Pre-dinnerSoup (Any soup – 1 bowl )
Dinner1-2 chapati+Sabji+Dal/Paneer or Vegetable dalia
Post-dinnerAjwain water or 1/2 tsp Ajwain with 1 glass of water

I hope after reading this blog you will able to customize your pcos diet plan according to your needs.

Click Here To Get Your Customized PCOS Diet Plan

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1 Comment

  • Pcos Diet Plan To Lose Weight | URBAN DIET | S..., July 30, 2021 @ 6:22 am Reply

    […] Get the best diet for PCOS weight loss at URBAN DIET. People with PCOS are in constant battle with their weighing scale. Dietitian Nikita can guide you with the best diet For PCOS Weight Loss. For more detailed information visit the website and make a call!  […]

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